Time For Memory is dedicated to educating people about the choices that must be made when it comes time to plan the funeral of a loved one or preplanning your own funeral needs.
The best laid plans are based on an educated background. Therefore, we advise you to thouroughly read our web site and think about the processes and choices that have to be completed. If you find yourself asking more questions than we have answered, use our funeral home locator to find your neighborhood funeral home and ask to speak to a funeral director there.
Time For Memory is further dedicated to using the internet as a means of bringing people closer when they can't physically be together due to travel distances, money issues, or timing. Time For Memory offers live video feeds of funeral services from participating funeral homes. When planning a funeral, ask you funeral director if they are a member of Time For Memory and inquire about our video offering.
Time For Memory also offers obituaries and enhanced memorials on our site. Our obituaries are open to all funeral homes across the U.S.A. and accessible by the general public through our obituary search system. Our Enhanced Memorial system allows funeral directors the ability to display multiple pictures and unlimited text to celebrate the life of a loved one. Time For Memory also offers a unique live real-time video broadcast of the visitaion. Using the latest technology we can broadcast the visitation around the globe.
Through utilization of technology we can share the life of loved ones with people around the world. Remember to ask your funeral director if they are a participating member of Time For Memory.