1962 - 2009
A Time of Remembrance for Carolyn Hinckley will be held Sunday, September 27, 2009 at the Lawton Community Center, Lawton, MI from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The address is 646 North Nursery Street, Lawton, MI. The community Center is located on the East side of Lawton. Turn East at the Big T Restaurant in Lawton and go to the first stop sign. Turn left onto Nursery street and go south until you come to the railroasd tracks. Community Center in on Right (East) side of road before railroad tracks. If you are reading this on line ~ check with Mapquest.
There are currently 2 condolences.
Donna Alm
Saturday September 26, 2009 at
4:31 PM
When I first met Carolyn I didn't know she had been sick. She had very short brown hair and a bigger than life personality. I thought her look matched her personality and wished I could be that outgoing. I am very sorry for your loss, our thoughts are with her family.
Emily Harper
Friday September 25, 2009 at
3:58 PM
Carolyn, you are very missed! My sympathies go out to all family and loved ones. I grew up around the corner from Carolyn and knew her since I was young, she was an incredible woman and inspiration to many.