Wednesday March 6, 2013 at
5:31 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. May "the God of all comfort" (2 Corinthians 1:3,4) comfort and soothe your heart. His promises, found in the Holy Scriptures, can offer much hope. It assures us at John 5:28,29 that our loved ones will be remembered and brought back to life in the resurrection. Please allow God's Word to strengthen you and help you to endure this most difficult time.
S Ford
Tuesday October 16, 2012 at
6:47 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that you are not alone for the Bible tells us that God is near to those that are broken at heart; And those who are crushed in spirit he saves (Psalms 34:18). Take heart in the Scriptures for comfort. Please accept my sincere sympathy.
dianne mullins rn
Thursday August 2, 2012 at
11:23 PM
Dear parents and family of Jacob,
I am so sorry for the tragic loss of your young son, Jacob. As a mother, i can only imagine your pain. I wish to share with you comfort from the Bible.
The wonderful future resurrection hope is the promise found at John 5:28,29.
Revelation 21:3,4 states that death will be no more. and pain
will be no more, the former things will have passed away.
Our Creator, Jehovah God, by means of his son Jesus, is going to undo the tragedies that touch our lives today.At that future time we will be able to welcome back our loved ones who have fallen asleep in death.
As you read these texts from your Bible, may they be of comfort to you now, and forever.
Dianne Mullins
Tiffany Martin
Monday June 18, 2012 at
7:25 AM
Im a soon to be junior at cabell midland highschool and when i first heard about this young man and the way he passed, my heart completely broke. I didnt know Jacob or any other members of the family but i just wanted to say that my heart truly and sincerely goes out to all of you. Im deeply sorry for your loss. -Tiffany
Sarah Lu Ball (scm) Jacob's Sister
Tuesday March 6, 2012 at
5:43 PM
Little Brother - I have always loved you. I will always love you. i miss you but i know you are with me, youare with us all.
Karen Pemberton
Saturday February 18, 2012 at
7:47 PM
I am deeply touched by Jacobs sudden passing. Thoughts and prayers for him and his family.
Jennifer Bird
Sunday February 12, 2012 at
6:04 PM
My prayers and condolences go out to your family! I didn't know your family or your wonderful son but please know my heart breaks for the loss of your son. May GOD please hold your family in the palm of his hand through this difficult time and the days to come.God bless.Much love to your family...
Sunday February 12, 2012 at
1:28 AM
susan williams
Saturday February 11, 2012 at
8:51 PM
I did not know your son, but my heart goes out to you. You said in his obituary that he will be sorely missed by all who knew him. I missed knowing him! He sounds like a wonderful young man.
Sherri Fraser
Saturday February 11, 2012 at
2:45 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss. I don't know your family, but I have been deeply moved by Jacob's passing. I cannot imagine your pain. My thoughts are with your family.
Dave Chaney and Karen Racer/next door neighbors
Saturday February 11, 2012 at
2:02 PM
Dwayne, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. We mourn your loss and we appreciated your sons goodness.
Tracy Ellis
Saturday February 11, 2012 at
11:34 AM
I wanted to take a minute to tell the family of Jacob how sorry I am for them to have to go through this tragic accident. I can't imagine what you're feeling. I only hope you find some kind of peace and healing in your grieving. Love and strength to all. Tracy Ellis
Jan Fetty
Saturday February 11, 2012 at
9:33 AM
I did not know Jacob, but his departure from this life makes my heart ache for those he left behind. I pray that God will comfort you and hold you close.
Misty Floyd
Saturday February 11, 2012 at
6:11 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss. Words will never be enough solace. My prayers go out to you and your family.
The Arnold Family, 100 Harbour Lane
Friday February 10, 2012 at
7:50 PM
So very sorry for you lose.
Carolyn Diehl
Friday February 10, 2012 at
4:22 PM
I did not know Jacob but i have cried many tears over the loss of this beautiful child,My thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Shaelyn Martin
Friday February 10, 2012 at
2:35 PM
I'm truly sorry gor your loss. Jacob was an amazing man and I truly loved him. I would do anything, give up anything, to get him back, but I know life doesn't work that way. Mr. and Mrs. Ball, and the rest of Jacob's family, I'd truly love to meet you all even though I cannot make it to the funeral. I think Jacob might like that, but I can't speak for him.
Debra Stroud
Friday February 10, 2012 at
10:16 AM
I do not know the family but am so sorry for your loss, no one should have to lose a child.
Karen Pauley
Friday February 10, 2012 at
9:35 AM
My prayers and condolences for Jacob's Family and Friends. I did not know Jacob but his untimely passing is devastating. God Bless the Ball Family.
Mark & Melanie Adkins
Friday February 10, 2012 at
8:58 AM
our thoughts and prayers are with the family
Friday February 10, 2012 at
8:13 AM
I am so sorry for your loss of this young man. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones.
Jo Hypes
Friday February 10, 2012 at
7:52 AM
Although I did not know Jacob or his family, I am offering my deepest sympathies in the loss of this beautiful child. My heart broke when I read the story of his tragic death. May his memory be eternal.
Gail Tephabock
Friday February 10, 2012 at
5:46 AM
I did not know Jacob but sadly I read online about his tragic accident. I'm sorry for your devastating loss and will keep you in my prayers.
Jodie Davis
Friday February 10, 2012 at
2:59 AM
Jacob's passing has traumatized the community. I will be praying for his family and friends for the rest of my life. May God hold you and give you some comfort in this indescribably difficult time.
Christy Harvey
Friday February 10, 2012 at
12:34 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss of your son I know as a mother if 5 I could not bear the thought of loosing one if them My heart goes out to the whole family Gid has a plan for all of us and even know we don't understand it he has his reasons Jacob is in a better place with God and the Angels watching over you today and through the days to come You all are in my prayers God Bless you through the days to come 3
Sherry Campbell
Friday February 10, 2012 at
12:10 AM
Lots of love and prayers go out to you in your time of grief...may God wrap his loving arms around you and never let go...
Amanda Brown
Thursday February 9, 2012 at
9:42 PM
I never got to meet your wonderful son, but my daughter Paige went to school with him and I feel that I have a pretty good idea just how great he was. Everyday she would come home telling me a new Jacob story. They were all great. I could tell from her stories that he was intelligent,loving, witty and kind. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I know words will never be enough to mend your breaking hearts,but my deepest sympathy goes out to you. Jacob will be missed, but never forgotten.
Kelly Smith
Thursday February 9, 2012 at
5:28 PM
I don't know the family, but I wanted to let you all know that I'm so very sorry for your loss. I have kept you all in my prayers. May God w/ you.
Tammy Hatton
Thursday February 9, 2012 at
12:08 PM
I did not know Jacob but cannot even imagine how devastating this loss must be. My condolences prayers go out to the family.